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The Gujarat Emergency Earthquake Reconstruction Programme (GEERP) funded by the World Bank and the Gujarat Earthquake Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Programme (GERRP) funded by the Asian Development Bank along with the Government of Gujarat counterpart funding was implemented by GSDMA covering various important works of reconstruction and rehabilitation such as assistance to the house owners, water supply, roads, electric supply and strengthening of the dams. The funding agencies for the programmes i.e. World Bank & Asian Development Bank released finances on “Reimbursement Basis” as and when the expenditure was incurred in the programmes. The GERRP and GEERP funded by Asian Development Bank & World Bank have been completed on 30.06.07 and 31.10.08 respectively.
The aggregate estimated cost of the said projects to be borne by the World Bank was for Phase-I - US$ 261.6 Million, (WB Revised PIP Phase-II), Phase-II - XDR 356.00 Million (WB ICR) and to be borne by the ADB was US$ 315.14 Million (ADB ICR) and Rs. 1363 Crore by the Government of Gujarat. Year wise expenditure incurred under these projects (till the projects were funded by the respective agencies) and expenditure incurred for projects which were funded by the Government of Gujarat funds since 2001-2002 till the projects were officially completed as shown above. Year-wise expenditure after adjusting prior period expenditure incurred by GSDMA since its establishment is shown below:
(Rs. in Crore) As per Balance Sheet
Financial Year Aggregate Expenditure
2001-2002 1512.94
2002-2003 911.53
2003-2004 655.79
2004-2005 677.20
2005-2006 658.04
2006-2007 322.62
2007-2008 254.90
2008-2009 281.32
2009-2010 95.39
2010-2011 51.34
2011-2012 38.95
2012-2013 45.86
2013-2014 94.27
2014-2015 81.80*
Total 5638.44

* subject to finalize the account

The details of the budget of GSDMA approved for the year 2014-2015 is as under(Rs. in Crore)
Sr.No Particulars Amount (Rs.)
1 Assistance to Disaster Management Authority 98.50
2 National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project (NCRMP) 75.00
Total 173.5
A part from the GEERP Project, Gujarat Emergency Earthquake Reconstruction & Rehabilitation Fund (GERRF) is maintained by GSDMA which consists of amount of the donation received by member of the Parliament and other donations. The particulars of the receipts and expenditure thereof are as under.
MPLAD and Donation details (As on 31/3/2014)
Sr.No Particulars MPLADs
A Fund Received  
  MP LADs 48.93
  Donations 108.49
B Accrued Interest 49.76
C Other Income 0.28
D Total Spent Amount 174.55
E Savings(A+B+C-D) 32.91