Do’s and Don’ts pertaining to Flood 
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Gujarat has seen many damaging floods. Almost all major rivers in the state pas through a wide stretch of very flat terrain (often more than 50 km) before reaching the sea. These flat low lands of lower river basins are prone to flooding. |
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The one-day Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) is often higher than the average annual rainfall in most parts of Saurashtra and Kachchh. Occasional cyclones and depressions also cause heavy rainfall in large parts of Saurashtra, Kachchh, central and northern Gujarat. |
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The cities of Ahmedabad, Surat and Bharuch are also located on the flat alluvial plains of large rivers and are prone to flooding. |
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The Figure shows that almost all parts of Gujarat are flood prone, irrespective of the size of the catchment. It has to be noted that the flood prone villages classified by Flood control Cell is based on the settlements affected. Flood prone villages and rivers sections given below: |
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The Flood risks in Saurashtra are lower than the flood risks in the South Gujarat plains. The relatively flat plains in the lower basin areas with hilly catchments in the upper parts of South Gujarat accentuate flood risks. |
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The flood prone river sections were identified by the flood prone village map. The Flood prone river sections in Saurashtra extend to the upper basins. This is due to the presence of dams in the upper basins, which have to resort to emergency discharge during heavy rainstorms. Flood prone river sections presented below: |
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In Saurashtra, the valley areas are the only arable lands due to presence of shallow rock in higher elevations of the basin. Even small valleys are used for agriculture and hence any flooding in these zones impacts the residents and settlements. |
Important Links For Furthure Information |
India Meteorological Department, Government of India |
Meteorological Centre, Ahmedabad |
Narmada and Water Resources, Water Supply and Kalpsar Department, GoG |
National Institute of Disaster Management |
GSDMA Leaflets In Gujarati |